Aiming to be forerunners
Sustainability forms an integral part of our acquisition process and ownership agenda. Aspo's businesses aim to be forerunners in sustainability. Aspo has defined new ESG themes and targets for the material areas of the group and its business operations. Key ESG themes are:
- Growing our business while lowering pressure to the environment
- Improving Aspo experience for people in our value chain
- Driving sound governance practices at all levels
In order to support our sustainability commitments, Aspo has defined specific ESG targets.
Aspo's Sustainability Report 2023 was published in Mar 7, 2024.
The main target is to reduce emission intensity CO2 (tn) / turnover (t€), by 30% by the year 2025. The starting point (2020) is 0.44, while the target level (2025) is 0.30. In 2023, emission intensity increased slightly, being 0.37 (0.33 in 2022). The increase in emission intensity came from the decrease net sales, as absolute emissions decreased during the last 12 months.
Business-specific development of sustainable innovations.
Business-specific targets have been set for recycling and waste management.
Social Responsibility
Ensuring employee safety: Key KPI is injury frequency. In 2023, the total recordable injury frequency (TRIF) was 4.8, significantly better than in the previous year (8.1), and the target set for 2023 (6.0) was achieved.
Improving the employee, customer and principal experience: Employee satisfaction is measured by the People Power index
- Status 2023: AA
- Target: AA
Business-specific targets have been set to ensure the quality of products and services. The net promoter score is used in each business.
Sound governance practices: Key KPI is % of completion of Code of Conduct & Compliance training
- Status 2023: 100%
- Target 2023: 100%
Further development of systematic risk management process together with portfolio companies.
In 2023 the company’s sustainability expertise and resources were strengthened to lead the sustainability activities at Group level.